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Why aren't there progressive carnivores?

  Dwight calling me on my shit     Okay yeah, I know, there are progressive carnivores. There's, like, me. And maybe three others I've found on Bluesky. We exist, I know, my title is hyperbole (clickbait? It's terrible clickbait if it is.).      But why are there so fucking few  of us?! There's nothing logically contradictory about holding progressive socio-political values and following a carnivore diet. It's not like I'm trying to be a Stalinist who's working with Anonymous or something.      And yet, in the days following the thrice-cursed 2024 election, I watched carnivore communities I'd been hanging around in--typically very apolitical spaces--bursting with exuberant people gushing about having elected someone who platformed on dehumanizing my most beloved family members. That is not a fun experience. Did these people make their voting decision so they could strip my wife of her humanity, destroy my marriage, remove our healthcare ...

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