It's time for some rebranding


It's been a hot minute since I've been here. 

I just spent several days in the backcountry managing to not die and constructing new blog articles in my head about it. And I thought Hey! Maybe I should start a new blog! Then I remembered I already have a blog. But then I thought, but this one will be about totally different things than the last one. And THEN I thought, but will it? Will it really? 

So I found This Ole Blog (I actually had to check three different blog services before I remembered where it was). And I looked at the content here, and realized, yeah, I still like it, and it's still relevant. I was in a very different place in my life at the time. But overall, I didn't want to scrap it and start over. 

So, welcome to the New Blog, Same as the Old Blog.

What will be here now?

(TL,DR: look at the labels list)


This blog is probably going to be entirely about backpacking, at least right now, cause it's June and that is backpacking season. I am a new backpacker, and I have ADHD, so I am f*cking hyperfocused right now. I'm also genuinely loving backpacking and I'm super glad I found this hobby.


When it gets colder, my focus will probably shift to downhill/alpine skiing, because nothing has ever brought me as much joy as flying down a black diamond like a banshee from hell. And now I have my own ski gear. And a student Epic pass. So you'll get sick of hearing about skiing. I'm not sorry.

Backcountry skiing

Did you know you can combine topics one and two above to create a whole new obsession, which is topic three? Why isolate your focus on backpacking or hiking when you can do both at the same time?


Always. Always always weightlifting. I loved weightlifting enough in 2015 to dedicate an entire blog to it. That love has never died. Furthermore, it is an absolute necessity for accomplishing topics one, two, and three above.

Managing ADHD

Fun fact, topics one through four above become unreasonably difficult when you have ADHD. Borderline dangerous sometimes, to life, limb, and bank account (oh hyperfocus on gear, how I curse thee). I will probably spend a lot of time thinking through things about how ADHD is impacting my ability to do all of these things.


I am not exaggerating when I say that my entire life has been changed through changing my diet. I'm not trying to make grandiose claims, I'm not telling you that it will cure cancer or bring your favorite aunt back from the dead. I'm just stating the absolute fact that my life, health, and happiness has improved in incalculable ways since I changed my diet. I can say without reservation that I would not be wildly enthusiastic--hell, I probably wouldn't even being doing--any of the above things if I hadn't changed my diet. I've lost over 80 lbs. That's the weight of more than two of my packs, fully loaded for a four day trip. I was carrying that around with me all the time. Holy crap, just putting it that way... wow. Cause I just got back from a 3 day trip and my 35-40lb pack was heavy as hell. It's no wonder I didn't do any of the above. 

Do I miss cake and tacos? Sure, those things are delicious. But there aren't enough tacos in the world that are worth exchanging the life I get to lead now. And here's the real key. I can, in fact, occasionally have a taco or two, or a piece of cake at an important event. I cannot "occasionally have good health, fitness, and lifestyle" while eating all the tacos I want. The sacrifice is more than worth it to me. 

I don't typically evangelize or try to convert anyone's diet, even of those closest to me. But this is my space, and you're in it, so I'm going to think about this and talk about this and process a lot surrounding this. That's why I have this space. 

Upcoming Travel!

This year my life is jam packed with an amount of travel I never dreamed of doing. Absolutely insane. Here's the travel forecast to date:

Backpacking whenever I possibly can
July--climbing a 14er in Colorado
August--European trip with my Sainted Mother who has dreamed of this trip for years (as have I!)
December--Trip to Hawaii with my wife's side of the family
End of December--return from Hawaii to Colorado for a week of skiing


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